Join us in creating your Vision Board for 2025. Dream Big. Set some goals. Enjoy the fellowship, fun and inspiration from others while you cut, glue, paste, craft and create your vision board for yourself.
POSTPONED TO Thursday, January 16, 2025
6-8 pm
Free admission. Donations encouraged.
All supplies and light snacks provided. You are welcome to bring your favorite adult beverages. See below for other items you might want to bring.
Seating is limited. Please let us know you are coming, by clicking the button below to sign up.
Winter Weather Update
Class is postponed to Thursday, January 16 from 6-8 pm.
What is a Vision Board?
A vision board is a way to visually depict your dreams, aspriations, goals and objectives. By creating a collage of images, words and symbols, you can clarify and visualize your goals. Once completed, you can post your vision board in a place that you will see often, reminding you of what you are working towards.
We will provide each participant with a half sheet of poster board, plus we will provide plenty of magazines, markers, scissors, glue and tape. Participants are also welcome to bring materials and items from home, such as additional magazines, inspirational quotes and any other materials that might work for them.
One Example of a Vision Board!