Membership Levels & Benefits

Become a Member Today! We have six membership plans to choose from. You can also choose to pay monthly or annually.

Individual Membership

  1. Monthly Cost: $8 per month, automatically recurring charge ($96/annual cost)
  2. Annual Cost: $85 paid annually (save $11)
  3. Discounts on classes and vendor fees
  4. 20% discount on facility rentals
  5. 20% discount on center owned merchandise in the gift shop
  6. Discount on tickets & tables for annual gala event
  7. Invitations to Members Only Events
  8. Subscription to Center emails, to be the first to know about upcoming classes and events

Family Membership

  1. Monthly Cost: $15 per month, automatically recurring charge ($180/annual cost)
  2. Annual Cost: $160 paid annually (save $20)
  3. Discounts on classes and vendor fees for up to 4 household members
  4. 20% discount on facility rentals
  5. 20% discount on center owned merchandise in the gift shop
  6. Discount on tickets & tables for annual gala event
  7. Invitations to Members Only Events
  8. Subscription to Center emails, to be the first to know about upcoming classes and events

Artist Membership

  1. Monthly Cost: $10 per month, automatically recurring charge ($120/annual cost)
  2. Annual Cost: $100 paid annually (save $20)
  3. Discount on classes and vendor fees
  4. 20% discount on facility rentals
  5. 20% discount on center owned merchandise in the gift shop
  6. Discount on tickets & tables for annual gala event
  7. Option to rent the East Gallery for one month for an exclusive artist show
  8. Option to submit up to three art pieces per month to be displayed in the art gallery
  9. Option to submit items to be sold in the gift shop
  10. Option to be included in our Artist Directory have a webpage on the center website, to include artist bio, photo, up to 4 photos of artwork, plus links to the artist’s other websites, social media, online stores, etc.
  11. Option to contribute to the Art Blog on the center’s website.
  12. Invitations to Members Only Events
  13. Subscription to Center emails, to be the first to know about upcoming classes and events
  14. Artist Members shall complete a W9 form.

Family Artist Membership

  1. Monthly Cost: $20 per month, automatically recurring charge ($240/annual cost)
  2. Annual Cost: $200 paid annually (save $40)
  3. Discounts on classes and vendor fees for up to 4 household members
  4. One or two members can access all Artist Membership Benefits. Each artist members shall complete a W9 form.
  5. Option to rent the East Gallery for one month for an exclusive artist show (for one or two artist members)
  6. Option to submit up to three art pieces per month to be displayed in the art gallery (for one or two artist members)
  7. Option to submit items to be sold in the gift shop (for one or two artist members)
  8. Option for each artist to be included in our Artist Directory have a webpage on the center website, to include artist bio, photo, up to 4 photos of artwork, plus links to the artist’s other websites, social media, online stores, etc.
  9. Option to contribute to the Art Blog on the center’s website.20% discount on facility rentals
  10. 20% discount on center owned merchandise in the gift shop
  11. Discount on tickets & tables for annual gala event
  12. Invitations to Members Only Events
  13. Subscription to Center emails, to be the first to know about upcoming classes and events
  14. Both artists must complete and submit a W9 form.

Business Membership

1. Monthly Cost: $20 per month, automatically recurring charge ($240/annual cost)
2. Annual Cost: $200 paid annually (save $40)
3. Discounts on classes and vendor fees for up to 4 employees
4. 20% discount on facility rentals
5. 20% discount on center owned merchandise in the gift shop
6. Discount on tickets & tables for annual gala event
7. Invitations to Members Only Events
8. Subscription to Center emails, to be the first to know about upcoming classes and events
9. Company logo listed on the Center website

Patron of the Arts

  1. Monthly Cost: at least $50 per month, automatically recurring charge ($600/annual cost)
  2. Annual Cost: at least $550 paid annually (save $50)
  3. Can be an individual, couple, family, business or other organization
  4. Discounts on classes and vendor fees for up to 4 employees OR 4 household members
  5. Up to two people can access all the Artist Membership benefits. Each artist members shall complete a W9 form.
  6. Option to rent of East Gallery for an exclusive artist show (for one or two artist members)
  7. Option to submit up to three art pieces per month to be displayed in the art gallery (for one or two artist members)
  8. Option to submit items to be sold in the gift shop (for one or two artist members)
  9. Option to be included in our Artist Directory have a webpage on the center website, to include artist bio, photo, up to 4 photos of artwork, plus links to the artist’s other websites, social media, online stores, etc.
  10. Option to contribute to the Art Blog on the center’s website.
  11. 20% discount on facility rentals
  12. 20% discount on center owned merchandise in the gift shop
  13. Discount on tickets & tables for annual gala event
  14. Invitations to Members Only Events
  15. Subscription to Center emails, to be the first to know about upcoming classes and events
  16. Optional – Donor name or Company logo listed on the Center website
  17. Optional – At least two spotlight posts on social media annually
  18. Optional – Recognized as the sponsor of either one Opening Night Reception OR one Performance Night (discuss details with Director) ($250 value)

One of our new member benefits is our new Member Portal.  With this portal, you will be able to manage your membership renewal, sign up for classes, buy tickets to events and more.  Click on the Member Portal button to go to the login site.  Contact the center for questions or troubleshooting. (903) 640-2196